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本文章中的操作为原创内容,适用于Manjaro Linux和Microsoft Windows 10,其余环境未作尝试,软件从网上获得。本文如有转载,请注明出处。
——by realasking


使用Manjaro Linux的联想小新潮7000笔记本实现应用摄像头测光的屏幕亮度自动调整


yaourt -S clight-git clightd-git





backlight_trans_step = 0.05;
ac_backlight_regression_points = [ 0.0, 0.082, 0.133, 0.2046, 0.2758, 0.33, 0.385, 0.408, 0.52, 0.69, 1.0 ];
batt_backlight_regression_points = [ 0.0, 0.08, 0.128, 0.19, 0.25, 0.297, 0.338, 0.35, 0.44, 0.57, 0.80 ];
captures = 5;
latitude = 39.9;
longitude = 116.5;







gcc -shared -fPIC a.c -o NightOFF -Wno-unused


mkdir "$a" && cp NightOFF "$a"



Windows 10下用摄像头测光并调整亮度的办法




解压SoftonEyes到D:\Tools\SoftonEyes,用choco安装AutoHotKeys和AutoHotKeys compiler



#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
   Run, D:\Tools\SoftonEyes.exe
     Sleep, 10000
   Run, taskkill /im SoftonEyes* /F,,Hide
     Sleep, 1800000


【笔记】在联想小新潮7000-15ARR+Manjaro Linux使用pyopencl和amd开源显卡驱动的安装配置

——by realasking



yaourt -S opencl-amd ocl-icd opencl-headers clinfo pyopencl-headers python-pyopencl


[realasking@zh-pc ~]$ clinfo 
Number of platforms                               2
  Platform Name                                   AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Platform Vendor                                 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Platform Version                                OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (2906.7)
  Platform Profile                                FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Extensions                             cl_khr_icd cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices 
  Platform Host timer resolution                  1ns
  Platform Extensions function suffix             AMD

Platform Name                                   AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Platform Vendor                                 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Platform Version                                OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (2906.7)
  Platform Profile                                FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Extensions                             cl_khr_icd cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices 
  Platform Host timer resolution                  1ns
  Platform Extensions function suffix             AMD

Platform Name                                   AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Number of devices                                 1
  Device Name                                     gfx804
  Device Vendor                                   Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Device Vendor ID                                0x1002
  Device Version                                  OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (2906.7)
  Driver Version                                  2906.7
  Device OpenCL C Version                         OpenCL C 1.2 
  Device Type                                     GPU
  Device Board Name (AMD)                         Radeon 500 Series
  Device Topology (AMD)                           PCI-E, 01:00.0
  Device Profile                                  FULL_PROFILE
  Device Available                                Yes
  Compiler Available                              Yes
  Linker Available                                Yes
  Max compute units                               8
  SIMD per compute unit (AMD)                     4
  SIMD width (AMD)                                16
  SIMD instruction width (AMD)                    1
  Max clock frequency                             1124MHz
  Graphics IP (AMD)                               8.0
  Device Partition                                (core)
    Max number of sub-devices                     8
    Supported partition types                     None
    Supported affinity domains                    (n/a)
  Max work item dimensions                        3
  Max work item sizes                             1024x1024x1024
  Max work group size                             256
  Preferred work group size (AMD)                 256
  Max work group size (AMD)                       1024
  Preferred work group size multiple              64
  Wavefront width (AMD)                           64
  Preferred / native vector sizes
char 4 / 4
short 2 / 2
int 1 / 1
long 1 / 1
half 1 / 1 (cl_khr_fp16) float 1 / 1
double 1 / 1 (cl_khr_fp64) Half-precision Floating-point support (cl_khr_fp16) Denormals No Infinity and NANs No Round to nearest No Round to zero No Round to infinity No IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add No Support is emulated in software No Single-precision Floating-point support (core) Denormals No Infinity and NANs Yes Round to nearest Yes Round to zero Yes Round to infinity Yes IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add Yes Support is emulated in software No Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations Yes Double-precision Floating-point support (cl_khr_fp64) Denormals Yes Infinity and NANs Yes Round to nearest Yes Round to zero Yes Round to infinity Yes IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add Yes Support is emulated in software No Address bits 64, Little-Endian Global memory size 2141634560 (1.995GiB) Global free memory (AMD) 2071608 (1.976GiB) Global memory channels (AMD) 2 Global memory banks per channel (AMD) 16 Global memory bank width (AMD) 256 bytes Error Correction support No Max memory allocation 1596849766 (1.487GiB) Unified memory for Host and Device No Minimum alignment for any data type 128 bytes Alignment of base address 2048 bits (256 bytes) Global Memory cache type Read/Write Global Memory cache size 16384 (16KiB) Global Memory cache line size 64 bytes Image support Yes Max number of samplers per kernel 16 Max size for 1D images from buffer 134217728 pixels Max 1D or 2D image array size 2048 images Base address alignment for 2D image buffers 256 bytes Pitch alignment for 2D image buffers 256 pixels Max 2D image size 16384x16384 pixels Max 3D image size 2048x2048x2048 pixels Max number of read image args 128 Max number of write image args 8 Local memory type Local Local memory size 32768 (32KiB) Local memory syze per CU (AMD) 65536 (64KiB) Local memory banks (AMD) 32 Max number of constant args 8 Max constant buffer size 1596849766 (1.487GiB) Preferred constant buffer size (AMD) 16384 (16KiB) Max size of kernel argument 1024 Queue properties
Out-of-order execution No Profiling Yes Prefer user sync for interop Yes Profiling timer resolution 1ns Profiling timer offset since Epoch (AMD) 1580776646713521172ns (Tue Feb 4 08:37:26 2020) Execution capabilities
Run OpenCL kernels Yes Run native kernels No Thread trace supported (AMD) Yes Number of async queues (AMD) 2 Max real-time compute queues (AMD) 0 Max real-time compute units (AMD) 0 SPIR versions 1.2 printf() buffer size 4194304 (4MiB) Built-in kernels (n/a) Device Extensions cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_amd_bus_addressable_memory cl_khr_spir cl_khr_gl_event Platform Name AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing Number of devices 1 Device Name gfx902 Device Vendor Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Device Vendor ID 0x1002 Device Version OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2906.7) Driver Version 2906.7 (PAL,HSAIL) Device OpenCL C Version OpenCL C 2.0 Device Type GPU Device Board Name (AMD) Unknown AMD GPU Device Topology (AMD) PCI-E, 05:00.0 Device Profile FULL_PROFILE Device Available Yes Compiler Available Yes Linker Available Yes Max compute units 8 SIMD per compute unit (AMD) 4 SIMD width (AMD) 16 SIMD instruction width (AMD) 1 Max clock frequency 1100MHz Graphics IP (AMD) 9.2 Device Partition (core) Max number of sub-devices 8 Supported partition types None Supported affinity domains (n/a) Max work item dimensions 3 Max work item sizes 1024x1024x1024 Max work group size 256 Preferred work group size (AMD) 256 Max work group size (AMD) 1024 Preferred work group size multiple 64 Wavefront width (AMD) 64 Preferred / native vector sizes
char 4 / 4
short 2 / 2
int 1 / 1
long 1 / 1
half 1 / 1 (cl_khr_fp16) float 1 / 1
double 1 / 1 (cl_khr_fp64) Half-precision Floating-point support (cl_khr_fp16) Denormals No Infinity and NANs No Round to nearest No Round to zero No Round to infinity No IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add No Support is emulated in software No Single-precision Floating-point support (core) Denormals No Infinity and NANs Yes Round to nearest Yes Round to zero Yes Round to infinity Yes IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add Yes Support is emulated in software No Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations Yes Double-precision Floating-point support (cl_khr_fp64) Denormals Yes Infinity and NANs Yes Round to nearest Yes Round to zero Yes Round to infinity Yes IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add Yes Support is emulated in software No Address bits 64, Little-Endian Global memory size 2684354560 (2.5GiB) Global free memory (AMD) 2553760 (2.435GiB) Global memory channels (AMD) 4 Global memory banks per channel (AMD) 4 Global memory bank width (AMD) 256 bytes Error Correction support No Max memory allocation 912680550 (870.4MiB) Unified memory for Host and Device Yes Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) capabilities (core) Coarse-grained buffer sharing Yes Fine-grained buffer sharing Yes Fine-grained system sharing No Atomics No Minimum alignment for any data type 128 bytes Alignment of base address 2048 bits (256 bytes) Preferred alignment for atomics
SVM 0 bytes Global 0 bytes Local 0 bytes Max size for global variable 821412352 (783.4MiB) Preferred total size of global vars 2684354560 (2.5GiB) Global Memory cache type Read/Write Global Memory cache size 16384 (16KiB) Global Memory cache line size 64 bytes Image support Yes Max number of samplers per kernel 16 Max size for 1D images from buffer 134217728 pixels Max 1D or 2D image array size 2048 images Base address alignment for 2D image buffers 256 bytes Pitch alignment for 2D image buffers 256 pixels Max 2D image size 16384x16384 pixels Max 3D image size 2048x2048x2048 pixels Max number of read image args 128 Max number of write image args 64 Max number of read/write image args 64 Max number of pipe args 16 Max active pipe reservations 16 Max pipe packet size 912680550 (870.4MiB) Local memory type Local Local memory size 65536 (64KiB) Local memory syze per CU (AMD) 65536 (64KiB) Local memory banks (AMD) 32 Max number of constant args 8 Max constant buffer size 912680550 (870.4MiB) Preferred constant buffer size (AMD) 16384 (16KiB) Max size of kernel argument 1024 Queue properties (on host)
Out-of-order execution No Profiling Yes Queue properties (on device)
Out-of-order execution Yes Profiling Yes Preferred size 262144 (256KiB) Max size 8388608 (8MiB) Max queues on device 1 Max events on device 1024 Prefer user sync for interop Yes Number of P2P devices (AMD) 0 P2P devices (AMD) (n/a) Profiling timer resolution 1ns Profiling timer offset since Epoch (AMD) 1580776646713519545ns (Tue Feb 4 08:37:26 2020) Execution capabilities
Run OpenCL kernels Yes Run native kernels No Thread trace supported (AMD) Yes Number of async queues (AMD) 4 Max real-time compute queues (AMD) 0 Max real-time compute units (AMD) 0 SPIR versions 1.2 printf() buffer size 4194304 (4MiB) Built-in kernels (n/a) Device Extensions cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_spir cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_amd_copy_buffer_p2p NULL platform behavior clGetPlatformInfo(NULL, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, ...) AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing clGetDeviceIDs(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, ...) Success [AMD] clCreateContext(NULL, ...) [default] Success [AMD] clCreateContext(NULL, ...) [other] Success [AMD] clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT) Success (1) Platform Name AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing Device Name gfx804 clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) No devices found in platform clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) Success (1) Platform Name AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing Device Name gfx804 clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR) No devices found in platform clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM) No devices found in platform clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL) Success (1) Platform Name AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing Device Name gfx804 ICD loader properties ICD loader Name OpenCL ICD Loader ICD loader Vendor OCL Icd free software ICD loader Version 2.2.12 ICD loader Profile OpenCL 2.2







——by realasking



  1. Zerotier的官网注册,并建立private的网络

  2. 在两台不同网络环境的电脑上分别安装其客户端,并在客户端join network

  3. 打开两台设备上的9993端口

  4. Zerotier官网上Auth两个连接的设备

  5. 在操作端打开微软远程桌面连接



  1. vps上,建立socks5代理服务器,软件任意
  2. 除了Moon服务器外,同时也join network
  3. 在操作设备上,将代理服务器映射到127.0.0.1:1080,使用本地PAC
  4. 华军软件园下载SocksCap64并解压
  5. 打开SocksCap64,点击程序旁的向下按钮,添加微软的mstsc
  6. 点击代理,添加127.0.0.1:1080
  7. SocksCap64使用mstsc


ssh -o ProxyCommand=\"nc -X 5 -x %h %p\" RemoteSSH

export RSYNC_PROXY=""
rsync 参数.....




--by realasking






pip3 install mpi4py

安装cmake 3.1


yum install cmake3*


git clone https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git


[user@cmake]$mkdir build; cd build
[user@build]$make -j20
[user@build]$make install


[user@cmake]$mkdir build2; cd build2
[user@build2]$make -j20
[user@build2]$make install




  • realasking: 哪里的话,还要非常感...
  • cnfczn: 发送留言报错:in_...
  • cnfczn: 大狮兄666,以前经...
  • realasking: 最近还行啊,就是上网...
  • cnfczn: 大狮兄,好久不见啊....
  • realasking: 您好。有什么问题就在...
  • Eric Chen: 作者你好!最近折腾中...


